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Alice Grasveld over duurzaamheid:

Viva400 award

On the 12th of December 2019 I won the Viva400 Awards in the category 'World Improver' with my projects for The Healthy Teeth Foundation. ...

Handenwas stations in de sloppenwijken van Nairobi'

Door de Corona crisis kon The Healthy Teeth Foundation helaas niet naar Afrika dit jaar voor een project. Daarom heeft oprichtster Alice...

Viva400 award

On the 12th of December 2019 I won a Viva400 Award in the category 'World Improver' with my projects for The Healthy Teeth Foundation.  ...

Handwashing stations in the slums of Naorobi

Due to the corona crisis The Healthy Teeth Foundation could not travel to Africa thos year for a new project. Therefore, founder Alice...

The Bamboo Brush Society

Lees deze leuke en informatieve blog van The Bamboo Brush Society over ons laatste project in Kenia in 2019: https://thebamboobrushsociet...

UvA Alumnus Awards

On the 4th of November 2017 I won the first prize of the AUV Alumnus Awards (from the University of Amsterdam) with my project ‘Healthy...

Oprichting The Healthy Teeth Foundation in 2018!

Waarom is deze stichting opgericht? Omdat 80% van de kinderen in sloppenwijken in Afrika en Azië last hebben van tandbederf en kiespijn...

Impressie vorig project:

Bekijk YouTube filmpje WhoCares:

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